For the past few months, I started my first blog on Tumblr. At first, I just want share my own thoughts online, but I realized that it’s time to reinvent myself as a blogger. Last August, Blogged: Eccentric Yet Happy was born. Few blog posts, and followers came in. I can’t imagine myself that I can do it.
Opportunities came in when I joined an online contest last August for Nuffnang Philippines. I thought my blog entry for Pizza Hot blog contest didn’t qualified at all. But when they emailed me that I won two movie tickets for Cowboys and Aliens special movie screening and Pizza Hut Philippines was our sponsor for the said event, I was overwhelmed and fulfilled my goals as a blogger.
When I joined Pinoy Bloggers’ Facebook group few weeks ago, more opportunities come along my way. First, I was the first guest blogger for Travel Premier‘s blog. I also participated several online contests that my fellow bloggers giving away prizes. And I’m starting to have my new hobby…events hopping and blogging press releases from different companies.
I’m very grateful that I became a blogger. A friend told me few days ago when she found out that I won a Samsung Galaxy Y from an online contest for Samsung Philippines, “You’re lucky when you became a blogger.” True enough, I’ve met several bloggers friends online and they appreciated my blog.
I’m proud to be a blogger and I’m proud of my blog!
This will be my last personal blog post. I’m not saying that I will not post some of my personal rants here.
I’m now switching to a lifestyle blog. Wish me luck, as I embark to my journey of gadgets, foods, fashion and other interesting stuffs that I will post here. Looking forward to get more exposure and more events hopping…soon! :)