March 11, 2025

65 thoughts on “Dance to the Beat | An Interview with DJ Jeff Almighty

  1. I wonder where do people study to become a DJ? I do hope we have more Filipino DJ’s acknowledged for their talents and highlighted in the music industry.

  2. I have always wanted to be a dj like dj jeff too. But it has recently changed . Dj jeff thanks for sharing your talents with the people around you

  3. Cool! That disco bowling is quite interesting; maybe we should check that out on our next night out. haha! Pinoy DJS are all over the world; I have an elementary classmate now residing in China doing just that for living. I read somewhere that there’s a formal education for DJ, in SOFA I think :)

  4. Didn’t know there is a DISCO BOWLING huh! I knew that place (PAENG’s) because I used to play billiards there before. Good job for this interview :)

  5. i’m into music but im not so much into disco music that much, although i like putting on disco music on my headset but i dunno, too much noise gets to me sometimes lols…intersting post melanie!

    Manilenya Mom

  6. It’s good to know your good looking (*wink*) DJ friend. :-)

    That’s exciting career. especially if music is your passion

  7. Congratulations to you for having the opportunity to interview your former classmate.
    Having those kind of job really needs passion and you must like what you do.

  8. I’m always in awe at people who are musically inclined because I’m their opposite. hehe
    Kudos to your friend for being able to do what he loves and making a living out of it. Some people can only dream of being able to do that kind of thing.

  9. I don’t know much about DJ-ing and I’m not much of a party person, so this stuff is quite interesting and inspiring.

  10. Being a DJ is not easy and you really have to be creative and know your music, genre and etc. Saka ang gastos nang gamit. My husband is a frustrated DJ so he has a turntable and computer software and etc..

  11. why are most DJ’s are good looking… though not all but most of them are… i would love to see one of them in one of the music bars that me and my friends often hang out.

  12. I used to be a party animal when I was in college.. but now I can’t stand loud music anymore… but I always have a heart for DJs especially when it’s gwapo like him hehehe :)

  13. interesting to read his advice to new players… nice to see that he shares this from his own experience.

  14. wow! Interesting guy. Eclectic taste in music even. I like his mix, I’m listening to it now. Thanks for the share…

  15. It’s cool to be able to mix music and the listeners would enjoy them, they need to be creative as well. Nice interview, a better view of the DJs.

  16. Just wondering how was Disco Bowling done? Anyway I’ll just perhaps research on that.

    Pinoy DJs are great! I believe when the age of RAP started there are lots of Pinoy DJs who’ve been known with that craft.

  17. Keep posted with what’s latest in the industry, expose yourself to the professionals considered in this field to learn the tricks from them and be distinctly different from the rest :)

  18. i just learned about disco bowling, i didn’t know that even existed. LOL i’m not fond of going to bars so i’m not really updated with DJs and stuff. But he’s a looker! :)

  19. wow! brushing elbows with a famous personality :) im not updated in the music industry much. sabi ko na nga pang intl. ang talent ng mga Filipinos e :D

  20. Disc jockeying is an art. It takes one to be mental alert and knows how to “talk in musical parlance” And also it takes a well-modulated voice.

  21. Nice. Confession: I’ve never been to bars that feature DJs so I don’t really know how to appreciate them. But I;m sure that DJing is another creative outlet.

  22. Interesting interview. I really don’t know how to tell if the DJ mix is good or not. Then again, I’m not into disco music. Nevertheless, this is an interesting post.

  23. one of my close friends and classmates way back in college is a DJ too (and a blogger as well) But her role is different, she’s not into mixing, she’s into giving advise :)

  24. Lived in Eastwood City for a few months and I still frequent the place yet I never heard of that Disco Bowling! lol
    DJing is an interesting career. I hope I get the chance to listen to his music mix!

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