There’s a new TV series that you will surely like it from Sony Channel. Manhattan Love Story is a new romantic comedy based on this simple premise: The only way to maintain relationships—with lovers, spouses, family, co-workers, or friends—is to keep most of our thoughts to ourselves. Dana (Analeigh Tipton, Crazy, Stupid, Love) and Peter (Jake McDorman, Shameless) travel through the complicated terrain of modern-day relationship in this new romantic comedy.
The show has an extra dimension: the audience will hear Dana and Peter’s inner thoughts, highlighting the differences of men and women in dating and find out what they are really thinking when they say something.
Dana is from Atlanta and moves to New York to chase her dreams. When she gets a job, her colleagues started losing theirs and put the blame on her. She keeps a naive and innocent disposition despite these setbacks in high hopes that her colleagues will once again like her. She is determined to succeed in the Big Apple in both career and love.
Peter, on the other hand, is a cynical New Yorker who works for his dad at the family’s business. He has dated so many women to the point that he does not remember their names when he sees them on the street.
Their contrasting personalities do not stop Dana’s friend and sorority sister Amy (Jade Catta-Preta, Californication) from setting them up both on a blind date.
Will Peter and Dana fall in love despite the odds? Tune in to this quirky new show and find out if you’ll get smitten too!
The said series filmed in New York, Manhattan Love Story stars Analeigh Tipton as Dana, Jake McDorman as Peter, Nicolas Wright as David, Jade Catta-Preta as Amy, Chloe Wepper as Chloe and Kurt Fuller as William.
Manhattan Love Story premiered last Oct. 19, at 10pm. Sony Channel is seen on SKYCable Channel 35, Cignal Digital TV Channel 60, Destiny Cable Channel 62, Cable Link Channel 39.