PEOPLE often have the impression that getting a toned and healthy body can be easily achieved by merely spending time at the gym. But truth be told, smarter food choices equate better to a fitter body.
In this fast-paced world, people tend to put healthy lifestyle practices far down their priority list. More often than not, people are not mindful of what their bodies really need; short-changing them of the nutrients they require to go further.
But, nowadays, there is a popular trend for working individuals, including celebrities — a fitness plan called the “Zone” diet. People under this program consume only a specific amount of calories per day. Different meal service companies have taken advantage of this new trend and now offer this kind of program—eliminating the hassle of calculating calories and preparing Zone diet meals. They will even deliver meals straight to your doorstep.
One of the pioneers of this service in the Philippines is US-certified nutritionist Nadine Tengco. Famous for designing diet plans for many Filipino celebrities, Nadine says that this venture is a business borne out of her lifestyle.
“I realized that it was a business that was just ‘so me!’ I’ve been ‘healthifying’ my family’s heirloom recipes since my teens… I drew from my cross-industry work experiences to design a business out of my lifestyle,” Nadine said.
Growing up, Nadine witnessed her family suffer from different kinds of diseases. She even considers herself as “genetically-compromised” because of the extensive medical history that her family has. But this situation only pushed her to practice a healthier lifestyle and to be more conscious of her health. “I watched many of my family members suffer so I tried to change my own destiny through healthier cooking and eating,” she said.
Her job as a nutritionist for celebrities taught her to be more flexible and creative in designing diet programs. One of the things that is a must in her recipes and juices is dietary fiber, specifically C-Lium Fibre. Nadine emphasizes the importance of fiber in the body, highlighting that people usually fail to consume the recommended 20 to 35 grams of daily fiber-intake.
“I included C-Lium, in its powder form, in the juices and soups that I prepare for my clients… It’s really helpful to meet the required daily fiber-intake,” Nadine said. “I’ve been experimenting on using C-Lium not just in my juices, but also as an ingredient in my savory and sweet recipes and dishes.”
The 47-year-old nutritionist, who has a certificate course in Weight Management and Fitness Nutrition, said that you can be creative with C-Lium—it can substitute common cooking ingredients such as flour to thicken soups, stews and sauces.
It can also be used like bread crumbs for crusting.
C-Lium Fibre is made from natural psyllium plant, which is a good source of soluble and insoluble fibers. Psyllium Fiber helps lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol in the body, helps reduce fat absorption and helps maintain a healthy digestive system, among others.
For Nadine, C-Lium is a convenient way to get that daily fiber requirement. The product poses more benefits if used continuously and regularly. The success stories of the people she worked with can attest to this.
With different unhealthy food choices out there, the classic saying, “You are what you eat” is truer than ever. Indeed, staying fit and healthy should be owed primarily to smart food consumption.
C-Lium Fibre comes in two formats–husk powder and capsule form– and is available in leading drugstores and supermarkets nationwide.