According to The International Diabetes Foundation, the Philippines as one of the world’s emerging diabetes hotspot having treated 3.2 million cases in 2014.
My parents are diabetic. I’ve seen my mom using insulin and taking medicines. As a kid, I’m prone to diabetes due to my fondness of sweet food.
It is a lifelong chronic condition that affects the body’s ability to use the energy found in food. And for those who are non-diabetics, the sugar and carbohydrates in the food are transformed into glucose in which the cells absorb in the bloodstream with the help of a hormone called insulin.
Diabetics are known for not have enough insulin in the body, and cannot absorb the glucose which creates a build-up in the blood and often leads to more serious illnesses.
Last June 18, DiabetaMil launched their product with their celebrity endorser, singer/songwriter, Mr. Pure Energy, Gary Valenciano. He was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when he was just fourteen years old. The doctor told him that he would not live past the age of forty.
Thirty-seven years after his diagnosis and more than 90,000 insulin injections later, he has never been more active in both his personal and professional life. In 2005, he experience his worst hypoglycemic attack which almost claimed his life. In an interview with Ces Drilon in 2009, Valenciano said, “I’m living a life with diabetes but I won’t let it stop me.”
He shares that he regular doing exercise, monitoring his blood sugar, taking the right medication and having a proper diet helps him in dealing with diabetes.
DiabetaMil is a sugar-free Cereal and Non-Cereal drink contain vitamins, minerals and protein specially formulated for people with diabetes. Also, it has Chromium Picolinate and Dietary Fiber, and high in Calcium and has a Low Glycemic (GI) Value.
What my mom like DiabetaMil is that it has mineral Chromium Picolinate which can be found in the drink . It has both glucose and insulin metabolism by breaking down the fats, protein and cholesterol.
Dr. Lanny Lestiani, a Medical Nutritionist at the University of Indonesia said that ‘chromium showed its potential in improving insulin sensitivity; DiabetaMil enriched with chromium (250 mcg per serving) may be beneficial for diabetics to improve their glycemic control’.
The said nutritional drink also fulfills the Codex requirement as source of calcium, which can be beneficial in optimizing glucose metabolism. The high fiber oat content in DiabetaMil Chocolate & Vanilla drinks which help lower bad cholesterol. It also contains a glycemic index (GI) value level of 30.5 which helps reduce overall blood glucose level.
Aside from the multi-flavored nutritional drinks, they also offers low-calorie and sugar-free cookies suitable for diabetics. Their non-cereal drinks (Moccachino flavor) and cookies (Nutty Chocolate and Vanilla Dried Fruit flavors) that allows one a healthy and nutritious meal without sacrificing its taste.
DiabetaMil is available in all leading supermarkets, groceries and drugstores. Check out their Facebook page for more details.