WATER filtration system is still a significant product segment in the Philippine consumer market. This holds true as water-refilling stations continue to mushroom everywhere, indicating that most households turn to them for drinking water supply.
There is no confidence on choosing to drink from the tap. This concern is aggravated by many unreliable piping systems in the country.
Majority of our water refilling stations on record is not consistently compliant with the process for certification required by the concerned government agencies. Furthermore, one is not sure if those five-gallon containers are thoroughly cleaned, carefully handled or properly stored.
The safety of the drinking public now becomes uncertain.
But all agree, that every Juan deserves safe drinking water. Now, there is no need to worry, as the solution has finally come to the Philippines.
Introducing the Torayvino Water Purifier––a market leader in Japan, with a filtration technology that boasts of a 99.99-percent bacteria removal feature––thanks to its four-stage purification system.
Initially at the prescreen process, impurities bigger than 465 microns, such as rust, sands, sediment and particles are removed. Those bigger than 114 microns will then be taken away in the second screen. Next, the water will pass through the granular activated carbon, which efficiently removes residual chlorine, harmful chemicals and bad odor.
Finally, the optimal hollow fiber membrane structure removes contaminants larger than 0.1 micron, such as bacteria and other microorganisms, rust, turbidity, and microscopic impurities. Such technology, which is likewise used in dialysis machines and artificial kidneys, provides low elution and high flow rate of water. While it undergoes a stringent filtration process, calcium, magnesium and other essential minerals are retained.
Torayvino Water Purifier is easy to install, with no plumbing required. Attachments are provided to fit most of the faucets available in the market. Unlike other water purifiers, it’s space-saving, compact and is even portable, perfect for condo-dwellers, especially those who live in smaller units.
Torayvino is more affordable than water delivery, since it costs the buyers as low as P0.92 per liter––half of P1.85 a liter of water sourced from refilling stations. It comes in four models, with prices ranging from P1,980 to P4,980.
30 percent savings on water is also achieved when one chooses to use the unfiltered spray setting which is perfect for washing dishes or vegetables. Moreover, it operates without electricity.
Truly a very relevant product for the Philippine market today
Torayvino Water Purifier is manufactured by a diversified company called Toray Industries, Inc. with presence in Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Central America and South America. This is the leading brand in Japan, with 66 percent share of the market for the faucet-mounted type.
Torayvino Water Purifier conforms with the Japan Industrial Standards and is also certified and approved by the Philippine Department of Health. Distributed in the Philippines by Moduvi, Inc. it is now available in modern hardwares like True Value and All Home, as well as condo-partners.