How was your New Year? Most of us believe that you must motivate yourself to show off to everyone as a fresh start of the year.
It’s really challenging for most people as well when it comes to improving their overall health and well-being, especially that the onset of a new year is usually beset with “unhealthy” practices, particularly eating.
But for many, a new and healthy year begins with a new look, a cleaner and fresher face, with less of the acne breakouts and other blemishes, and of course lots of positive vibes. Achievable? Yes, with the award-winning Proactiv System 3-step solution, no less.
Proactiv is the world’s leading acne treatment brand in the US and the world over. Its tried-and-tested 3-step skin treatment system is unparalleled. It’s smart, works fast and is the most effective anti-acne remedy in the market today. No other brand can live up to Proactiv’s undeniable reputation and superiority in treating acne, and that’s a proven fact.
And because the Proactiv 3-way system is simple and easy to follow makes it more appealing to today’s generation of individuals who live a fast-paced lifestyle, where skin care often takes a back seat.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to memorize these 3 easy steps to achieve glowing and blemish-free skin for the new year and a new you. Start with the Proactiv Renewing Cleanser, then Revitalize with the Proactiv Revitalizing Toner and finally, Repair with the Proactiv Repairing Treatment.
Yes, there may be challenges if you desire to have an acne-free face for the next year and to improve your life, health and look and feel great. You have to learn to manage everything from your diet (less calories, fatty and junk food) to even managing stress levels to prevent unsightly acne breakouts. But don’t fret because the Proactiv 3-Step solution is here.
The Proactiv Solution is available at Watsons and SM Department stores nationwide. The 30-day kit costs Php 2,495 and Php 3,995 for the 60-day kit.