If you think the best way to have 99.99-percent bacteria-free purified drinking water in your condominium is to get them from water-refilling stations, think again.
That’s because there is a better way—one that doesn’t pose any inconvenience, safety and security issue; one that is effective, yet costs less; one that gives you the safe drinking water in no time.
The answer is the Torayvino’s compact faucet-mounted water purifier, an easy-to-use water filtration system that is so small it fits at the palm of your hand. Yet, this system is so effective at eliminating bacteria that causes diseases such as amoebiasis, cholera, and diarrhea. It is the market leader in Japan (66 percent).
When you use a Torayvino water filter (and, it is so easy to install!), many of the hassles associated with water delivery are eliminated.
After all, who knows what undesirable things happen between the time the water container leaves the station up to the time it reaches your unit? There are just too many questionable practices that are factored in when you have your water delivered.
First, there are requirements and policies mandated by certain government agencies that water-refilling stations must fulfill: regular water tests, system maintenance, proper gears for cleaning containers, etc. Unfortunately, a big majority of these water-refilling stations is non compliant to these requirements.
Next, many of these water in 5-gallon jugs are delivered using vehicles without roofs, such as the popular “pedicabs” or bikes with side cars. This means the water is subjected to the heat of the sun, which is never good. This is especially true since those containers are mostly, if not all, not BPA-free.
The trouble continues when you have to wait for about an hour or two for the delivery of your purified water.
There’s also the issue of security. Do you realize how many times you open your door to delivery people you don’t (or shouldn’t) trust?
With the Torayvino faucet-mounted water purifier, all you’ll ever need to do is go to your faucet and fill up your glass. Voila! 99.99-percent purified water—just like magic.
But it’s no magic; only good technology. The secret lies in Torayvino’s 4-stage filtration system: the pre-screen removes impurities bigger than 465um such as rust, sands, sediment, and particles; while the second screen removes impurities bigger than 114um objects that couldn’t be removed by pre-screen.
The granular activated carbon strongly removes residual chlorine, harmful chemicals, and bad odor; the hollow fiber membrane precisely removes contaminants in the 0.1um unit such as bacteria and other microorganisms, rust, turbidity, and microscopic impurities.
Torayvino water filters are made with the same membrane technology used in dialyzers and artificial kidneys, which means it is very efficient and reliable.
At P1,980 for the whole unit (and P1,380 for one cartridge), that’s a good bargain. With this amount, Torayvino water-filter brings the cost of purified water to just P0.92 per liter (as opposed to about P1.85 per liter from water-refilling stations).
A Torayvino faucet-mounded water purifier could filter up to 1,500 liters of water. To put that in perspective, that’s about three to five months regular use for a household with four individuals. After this period, individuals must change the water-filter cartridge only, not the whole unit.
No more bulky appliance or heavy containers that you have to carry up to your unit, and up to your precious kitchen counter space.
Condo-living may be a bit of a challenge for some, but with the Torayvino water filter, at least you’ve got one less thing to worry about. If you want 99.99-percent bacteria-free purified water, you’ve got it with Torayvino.